
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tea Party Madness

Who doesn't love Tea Parties....there is the most incredible one that happens each Tuesday on SCS - MotherMark's Tea Party!

I love the 'artistic licence' that these challenges give is......and no boundaries - who doesn't love that!!! I have to mention that the teapot in the photo is one my DH bought for Chinese Tea...he came home loaded with the cups and saucers, Jasmine Tea...and a few varieties I didn't was a start to having variety in our tea....we had 2 lovely cups of tea and...I dusted it off for this photo! LOL!

I am both happy and relieved say that I am on time for this week's Tea I would like to mention at this stage that the teapot in this picture is WHITE!!! So it is for this weeks Challenge (just incase you are wondering!) Just to back up my claims I have put it next to my WHITE teapot.....I feel like I am in the 'groove' now as I have something the same as our very own MOTHERMARK!!! It is my 'claim to fame' for the week! I have also combined it with last week's challenge based on the fabulous Tea Pot that Dawn (aka Flowergal36) made for pink with white spots is the way to go with this one!!

I have been a bit late with some of the challenges, but have been busy getting orders ready for the Boutique that is going to be selling my cards and also getting this Blog happening. You can find the recipe for this card on my gallery at SCS. Also, check out this challenge - maybe we could sit can find the details here. Who knows I might get a V.I.P. seat of Cindy knows I have brought you along! LOL!

Thank you for coming and looking at what is happening on my Blog - I appreciate your visits and your comments...I am slowly finding my way in this BLOGGING WORLD!!! God bless you!


  1. Wow! I feel all comfy in your new blog! Its very welcoming and pretty! Good job with it!

    Thank you so much for the kind words and for posting a link to my teaparty! I enjoyed visiting you and reading your *story*....

    And you know, I love the card, the teapot and the fact you came to my party! Hugs.

  2. That card is so lovely. I think that stamp is gorjuss.


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