
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stinkin' Inkin'!!

I was uploading my photos for my previous post and found this along with 3 others on the APPARENTLY is the ink I left on the dining room chair last night - owwww - naughty!! This morning after breakfast I heard DH & my 3 darlings talking about it and jokingly they said 'You should upload this Mum....' I didn't give it another thought until now.....I would just like to say in my defence....what is the big deal....but the big deal is that when they spill something or leave marks or tomoto sauce/ketchup is SPRAYED across the table and no-one owns up to it...I always say I am going to get out my Forensic Kit (too much CSI! LOL!) and have been known to bring out the talcum powder and a brush - it used to be funny when they were younger, and now that they are that much older and know everything...apparently it is just lame!!

My DH often finds bits of paper or cuttings on the table or the floor, up the vacuum cleaner....I leave a trail to my desk - apparently...does this happen to anyone else....c'mon girls I need you to come to my rescue....rally around...I am drowning here!!!


  1. LMAO! It's nice to hear about some elses "messes"! I hope that wasn't "Stazon" ink. Since I live alone I can get away with it. Well, until I can't even stand it anymore. {{{giggles}}}

  2. LOL !!! I am wetting myself reading this !! lol I love CSI too and I am always moaning about my 3 men too, I am the only one allowed to make mess (of the crafty kind of couse) !! he he
    Hugs Susie xx

  3. Ok I will own up. I sponged some lovely fairies with fabric paint...purple and pink onto some curtains for my daughters room and forgot to pop something underneath...YES...Fairies on the carpet..I madly scrubbed them off before hubby came home...OOPs..Do you feel better! now..I bet you know who this is???
    X Chriss


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