
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Some Awards

This week I have received these two award. The first one is from one of my Twisted Sister and dear friend Grace, thank you so much Grace, I value you and your gorgeous work - you know I am always looking at your work for inspiration!! Thank you so much my friend for this award! The rules link it back to the person who gave it to you, and

The rules for this award are that I must list 5 things I love to do, and then pass it along to five other people:

I love to:

1. Spend time with my family
2. Create with paper - it is a passion of mine
3. Spend time with friends, in person or online!
4. Drink Coffee
5. BLOG!

I am passing this onto some of the amazing people who follow my Blog:

This award is from Queenie, whose Blog I have just discovered and LOVE! Thank you Queenie for this honour, I always love it when you come and visit and am thrilled that you would pass this award onto me.

The rules with this award are:Link it to the person who gave it to you in your post.Pass it on to seven other bloggers who inspire hard is that - you all inspire me, but here are seven that I have chosen today:


Thank you so much to Grace and Queenie - you have blessed me!! I am going to link all of these blogs during the day - but I have had this post sitting in draft for a couple of days - if I don't post it now I am skeered that I will not get to it!! So if you check this morning and it is not linked, please pop back later and have another look!! Thanks!

Thank you to you too for visiting, you know I love to see you!! I hope your day is a good one! God bless you!


  1. YOU are the one who inspires me, Linda! Believe me the feeling is mutual! Thank you for honoring me today!

    God bless you!

  2. Sweet Linda I'm so glad you got your award... you so deserve it! You are an inspiration to me and I love your blog. I'm especially loving your work with LOC! You are rockin their sets gf!!! I've been gone to NY and playing catch up... missed ya and hope I can get with the program now! Hugs!!!! God bless you my friend!

  3. How sweet!
    Thanks so much Linda! I love it when you visit my blog! I wish I had more time to hop around to others. I really love your beautiful blog and your jaw dropping artwork!
    I am honored that you picked me to give this award to!
    Hugs your way!
    True :)

  4. Thank you so much for the award. This is the second thing that has happened today which has been great.
    Glad you love the candy.. love watching to see what you create

  5. Oh Linda this is truly awesome that you have thought of me when passing on this beautiful award. It is 6.30am here (can't sleep) and this is what has greeted me what a lovely way to start a miserable dark rainy day, you are ace thank you so very much.

    Lorraine x


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