
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Come and see...

 I could not resist showing you another beautiful animal that we saw at our children's school this week...this beautiful cockatoo was just sitting there eating, not at all phased by us being so close...he was eating and he was going to finish it!!  These birds are so beautiful and are regular visitors in our area....they can be seen by the dozen eating the native bush and greenery.  I just love seeing them.....birds bring me such pleasure!

 We have got bird feeders and bird baths in our yard as well as planting native bush to help feed the native birds that so freely come to visit - it beats seeing them on the television! LOL!  A visit from a colourful winged guest brings our house to a stand still, we all quietly make our way across to the window and watch and enjoy the spendor of it all, filled with wonder and delight!

Another local beauty - a Rosella, these come and feed from the native trees in our garden and sit in pairs in the trees around our yard - how beautiful are they.  They fill the air with their beautiful song - what a pleasure!!

My DH loves photography and has been taking the most amazing photos - I have found such inspiration there and will be using them as my inspiartion for cards along the way.  He has captured the beauty and 'heart' of where we live, I would love you to share in this beauty - you can find it here, his Blog is called Imagery of the Soul and will take your breath away!  This kind of  beauty cannot be reproduced, try as we may!!  No wonder artists look to nature for inspiration.

When my DD2 was 6, she came home from school and said rather profoundly one day, 'Mummy, some people believe that we came from monkeys and other people believe we came from a 'BIG BANG' takes more faith to believe that, than it does to believe in God - doesn't it!!?'  How true - out of the mouths of babes!!

While you are still here I thought I would sneak in this photo - this is our dog Molly - how adorable is she...when we got Molly she fitted into my hand, she is 9 years old and just gorgeous and does not fit into my hand anymore!!.  Animals are a big part of our lives - we have so many - and love each one of them...I will share some more another time!!

I will 'love you and leave you' - thank you for visiting today - I will be back later to post a card, but just wanted to share,  but just wanted to stop and 'share the moment' with you!  God bless you!!


  1. Hi Linda, love the birds too - we have Tui in the area at the moment and we often stop just to listen to them.

    We are waiting for our Kowhai to flower and bring them even closer.

    Molly looks lovely - we are 'cat' people, and only have one now after years of two. Octavius aka Occ, Occy and various other names, turned 10 this month, but he is very much a kitten at heart!

    Thanks for your sharing - I love sweeing these wee non-card postings :-)


  2. Oh My! I'm a major bird lover and would be stunned to stillness in awe of being near enough to any of these gorgeous birds to take a photo like this!!! Lucky! (LOL!)

  3. what great pictures..thanks for sharing :)


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