
Saturday, November 28, 2009

LOC Faith Art Friday #2

Hello everyone, it is Faith Art Friday at Layers of Color, this is only the second week and it has been a big hit already.  There are many of us who love to combine our passion for paper and for God, here is an excellent opportunity to share with others of the faith!

I have made this card using Layers of Color images, Gothic Crosses and a New Release Flutterescent, which is being featured this week.  I have used the Emboss Resist technique and love the dramatic effect it has had here, especially as this card is also for the His Holy Name Challenge where we study the attributes of God...I am catching up on these studies and this is from a few challenges ago - the attribute is Sanctifies

I love to use symbolism on these cards - it just happens that way each time....on this card red is for the Blood of Jesus that washes us clean - sanctifies us, so freely shed for us, the cross is where our debt was paid in full.  I used the music behind the image to remind me that God puts a new song in our hearts - the song of the REDEEMED!!

The cross is embossed in white to symbolise us being washed clean, white as snow!  I chose this particular cross from the set Gothinc Crosses as it is more rugged, that was nothng fancy about the crucifiction, the cross was not make of french polished timber that had been buffed so it was smooth - no it would have been rough and full of splinters - no comfort zone there!  The smaller raised cross  symbolises  the many levels of our salvation and sanctifying - it is an ongoing process - a daily walk!
The beautiful layered butterfly is symbolic of our new life in Him

Thank you for stopping by today, your comments are always so encouraging - you have blessed me so much!  I am looking forward to spending some time this week in 'Blogville' and seeing what YOU have been up to!!  Have a greay day!  God bless you!!


  1. I have been to SCS and saw this there, and I am even more impressed with the close-ups! Thank you for sharing so richly of your faith.

  2. waw adorable card, it 's so beatiful ,great colouring
    have a nice weekend

  3. AWWW Linda thisis beautiful!!! LOVE your added butterfly and these rich colors!

  4. What a breathtaking and touching card! Beautiful work!

    Thank you for all your sweet and kind comments at the DCRUDT blog! Truly are grateful for your support and sweetness :)

    Have a wonderful weekend :*)
    ~ margie


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