
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

MMSC29 The Faces of Christmas

Wahoo - it is Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge time again - I love it!! Come Monday,  I am hanging for the new challenge to be released and to see the cards that are linked to the challenge.  There are so many fabulous cards and projects, they are all wonderful in their own right - such a lot of inspiration comes directly to us - I love it!!
  Here is what you are waiting for.....this week's sketch:

Our Gold Star Award goes to:

# 28 Ms. Plum

The Midnight Madness Remarkables Award goes to:

#16 Lorelie Kim, #44 Kerri Michaud
Congratulations ladies!!  Don't forget to collect your logo and display it on y our  sidebar

Thanks again to Michelle's Scrapbooking & More for being our Monthly sponsor.

Our Weekly Bonus Sponsor for MMSC29 is...

They just had a new release and we are so lucky, because Karen is giveaway Christmas stamps to our lucky MMSC29 Bonus Winner this week. Woo Hoo, just in time for Christmas :) Thank you Karen.

This weeks card was a lot of fun for me as I just love this image.  I saw it on a card on Susan's (aka One4Joy) gallery on SCS and she stamped off a copy for me.  It is called 'The Naughty Girls Choir' and that little girl second from the left reminds me so much of my DD2 when she was that age - she is famous for standing there just like that and when people would look at her and say how pretty she was, she would scream at the 'NO YOU LOOKIE AT ME!' ...and they wouldn't!!  Our friends still remember it to this day!!

I have coloured the image with wet and dry chalks - I sponged around the edges as I wanted this card to have an aged look, and we all know I just L-O-V-E to sponge!! LOL!  It is layered onto some DP with Christmas greetings on, this has also been sponged and backed with black CS.

The top four panels have been done on the computer and each word cut out and sponged, then layered onto sponged cream CS, which is in turn backed with black CS.  The lower four panels have had music stamped on them and then they are layered onto black CS.  This is all mounted into the green DP

and there you have it - one 'Naughty Girls Choir'!!  Can't you just hear them singing ' Joy to the World!!' Especially that adorable one with all that attitude (she lives with me in real life!)

Don't forget the MIDNIGHT MADNESS BLOG HOP will be here before you know it-- December 8th-15th and you have been helping us spread the news for that. We really appreciate your help.  Please continue to do that each week until the launch of the Blog Hop as our prize patrol has been out viewing the Logo in your side bar. Be sure to check out the “General Rules” for all the details.

Please note: the DT will make sure you are informed if you are a winner and when your prize will be coming

Thank you for stopping by and visiting and for those amazing comments you leave, I love seeing that you have been!  I look forward to seeing you over at the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge - if you have never played along before, c'mon over - you will love it - it is so much fun...and did someone mention prizes.....see you there!  God bless you!


  1. Linda your card is gorgeous hun, love the image and the colours you've used and the sketch is fab
    hugs Mandy xx

  2. Oh my... Linda I just adore your take on this sketch!!! It's soooo cute! Love the words on top and music on bottom elements!!! Your coloring soooo rocks my friend!!! LOVE this one!!!

  3. Wow, you did an awesome job Linda on this week's MMSC hun! I love the colors you chose and all of those fabulous details!

  4. Linda- I love what you have done with this sketch! Too cute and I love your sponging.

  5. Lovely as ever, Linda, and yes, my son was a bit like 'that'!! character building I call it ;-)

  6. Wow Linda, what an adorable card. I love those cute little images as well as your coloring and embellishments. This card is OUTSTANDING! You are so talented, my friend! Just lovely!

  7. Lovely card and choir, lucky you get to live with one of them, LOL. Love the computer words, a nice touch. A refreshing holiday card. Jane

  8. Very lovely choir image. Love the vintage theme, but yet so cute!

  9. You have so many beautiful cards on here. I love them all. You have done such a wonderful job with this sketch that I found so difficult. You have amazing results every time. What a wonderful tutorial that you have done too for this week. I am going to have to give that a try one of these days.

    Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us each week!


  10. Linda, your creation is soo stunning!! Love the colors images and your take on the sketch is so awesome!! HUGS

  11. Linda, from the moment I saw your gorgeous creation I loved it. The image is just precious, colored to perfection and combined with such beautiful dp background colors. Every time I visit your blog it is such a pleasure, your cards are truely unique and beautiful. You are so talented.
    Thanks for being a part of the bring such joy each and every day!
    Big Hugs to you my friend!

  12. Linda this is just so adorable and sweet. I love everything about it. I was scrolling down to get to this MMSC and saw lots and lots of pretties. You do such beautiful work!! You're such an inspiration.


  13. I just love how you used the words at the top and the music at the bottom! Just perfect for the image!! Well done!



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