
Friday, December 4, 2009

LOC He is Our Peace

It is Fath Art Friday #3 over at Layers of Color - I love the faith based cards and am even happier as I am almost caught up with the His Holy Name Challenge where we are studying the attributes of God - this week I am doing the attribute of - Peace!! 

My Scripture says 'He is our peace, He making us both one, and broken down the middle wall of partition'  The truth of this scripture is so comforting...that partition is the thing that seperates us from God and it has been broken down whatever it could be - for each of us it is a different thing but results in the same thing - seperation from God!.

Peace - how we all long for peace and especially as we lead up to Christmas -'Peace on Earth' wouldn't we all love that, but to achieve this we have to start in our own backyard!  We need to have the 'Peace of God'  in our own lives - and when we do - there is nothing that compares with it!

I have used symbolism once again - the Urn from Layers of Color  is from the New Release set Her Majesty's Urns, it respresents us - earthen vessels and the cross is within the vessel - like Christ should be in us.  I used Distressed Stickles on the cross to make it a bit more rustic and to add texture.  The tearing down the side of the image is to remind me that the veil has been torn in two and the dove is symbolic of the Holy Spirit...who can bring us the peace of God!  We are such funny creatures...we want peace and we resist the very one who can give it to us!!   Thank God for His kindness and love - we would be lost without it - literally!

Tis card is also for The Pink Elephant Challenge where we are to use our favourite technique - chalking is you would know - embossing follows close behind!!

Thank you for coming by and for your lovely comments, it makes my day every time!!  It is Friday night here...I am about to have an evening of therapy - colouring images - I find it so soothing!  I hope your weekend is a fun one, filled with those you love!!  God bless you!


  1. Ohh thus is just gorgeous Linda, and such an encouraging Scripture!

  2. a beautiful card - hope you’ll join us again next Monday when we start our new challenge. It’s another easy peasy fun one - would love you to play along with us.

    Ann xxx

  3. WOW, Linda!! This is just stunning!! I sooo love you perfect coloring! AMAZING!!

  4. Oh Linda, this is absolutely beautiful hun! What gorgeous colors, image and, so pretty : )

  5. WOW, Linda, I am blown away by your creativity!!!! Absolutely stunning coloring again my friend! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  6. Once again you have nailed it - not only is your card beautiful, but your meditations and symbolism are so encouraging and thought provoking.


  7. Your chalking is beautiful. Stunning blue! I am really enjoying your use of these urns.


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