
Monday, March 1, 2010

LOC BookGems

Hello friends, I have a few more bookmarks to show you, I have had a run of making them, this time using Layers of Color images.  I love the vintage feel they give, it is also a great way to use those leftovers that lie tucked away in every corner - so here not only are we creating, we are recycling AND cleaning the desk - wahoo - WIN:WIN!!  LOL!

I have used the Backyard Birds art stamp set, along with lace, flowers and pearls, rounding the corners of both the CS and DP.

and again here but adding some narrow gingham ribbon and a tag, this time using the Fiskar Sunburst Border punch for the corners..

This one was the eariest of all, I used the Butterfly Collector art stamp set, choosing two different size butterflies.  I stamped these randomly on the CS and then paper pierced a trail behind each of them!  I have also used the Fiskar Border punch to create fancy corners.

So there you have it - how easy are these, and so pretty! These are going as fast as I can make them.  I think I will make some more to have on hand, they are so nice to put in with a card, as an extra little something - what do you think!?!?

It is all happening at Layers of Color as the build up begins for Spring New Release - not one but four new sets of stamps.  You can have a Sneak Peek at Layers of Color's SNR Gallery - if you become a follower of the Group you can get a look a few days earlier and Laura is offering a 'one of'' discount for any sets purchased - how cool is that - make sure you check them out - you will not be disappointed!

Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments, I love knowing you have make my day!!  God bless you!!


  1. Oh my, Linda, one is more fabulous than the other but I really, really love the butterfly one :D:D! You know I am a butterfly freak,hehe, and it is just wonderful. I absolutely love all of those little special touches like the beads, lace, all is so perfect for a bookmark gift!! You go girl!!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  2. Hi Linda! I think the blue one is my favorite! Are three are fantastic, and a great idea to use all of that little "stuff". I love your LOC creations, but they scare me a little, out of my box. I'll take the plunge one of these days! Thanks for all of your support and all of your creativity.

  3. You are just on a roll with these bookmarks... so pretty :)

  4. Those books marks are so gorgeous that I would not want to hide them in a book!!

  5. Your bookmarks are stunning Linda. Your talent constantly blows me away!

  6. Oh I love them all Linda! I especially love the chickadee one! My favorite birdie! Love the beads on the ribbons! Such a nice touch and love the vintage feel! Hugs!


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