
Friday, April 2, 2010

LOC Easter Blessing & Some Exciting News

Happy Easter to you all!! What an exciting day for me, firstly it is Good Friday, which is such an important day in our history, as a Christian I reflect on HIS-story and all that it means to me.  It is also Faith Art Friday at Layers of Color and how fitting that we should be contemplating all that this day holds!

Of course I just had to use the Gothic Crosses - especially this old rustic one which got me thinking about what it symbolises,  So often we look at the cross and we celebrate the cross and the wonder of it all, but it reality the cross is a symbol, it is actually what took place on the cross - one of the greatest conflicts was fought on the cross and put to death and that was death itself...and the atoning blood still holds power today for sin to be washed away!!

There is no value that we can put on either the cross or the blood of Jesus, infact there is nothing we can do to earn it, I remember a song that I loved when I was a young Christian and it says that is we had all the riches the world had to give and gave them all away, even to some genuinely needy person, it still would not be enough to buy one splinter of tree Jesus died on or to buy one single drop of blood that was shed for our salvation!  This is a reality check for me, when in this day and age we seem to be able to buy anything and everything - no amount of money can buy us God's free gift of eternal life, through His Son Jesus! 

Why the fruit you ask, I know this is not the usual image for Easter, but in the Book of James, we are told that we are the 'first fruit' of all creation and I wanted this to symblose laying it all down at the foot of the cross, something  that I need to do daily!  This image from the 'Fruitful Harvest' art stamp set was perfect to convey this, it also represents that we have been purchased by the Blood of Jesus and that the only thing required of us is to bear the fruits of repentanece to receive full salvation!  I have kept this card simple as the message speaks for itself!  As a lot of the world has a public holiday and buys up chocolate by the kilos - I have taken the healthy alternative and chosen fruit!! LOL!  But seriously...what better time to reflect about this side of the Cross - I will certainly be celebrating on Sunday as we celebrate the fact that He is Risen - there was so much achieved inbetween!!

Have a great Easter and I hope you are able to reflect on the true meaning of Easter and to celebrate the gift we have all been given!

...and now for my news.....

Last, but in no way least, I am so thrilled to be able to FINALLY announce that I have been asked to be on the 'Stampin' Sisters in Christ' Design Team!   I was thrilled when I received the email and have had to contain my excitement for what feels like foreva!! LOL!  It would be no surprise for those of you who visit me regularly, to know that I am passionate about Faith Based challenges and I am honoured to be part of this great Team.  Today three new designers are being announced and it is exciting for me to be starting along side my very dear friends and Sister's Grace and Chris - along with the other Designers!!  Our first official challenge is on Easter Sunday and I am excited and ready to go - we would love to see you there!!   Thank you Lisa, Kristine and Kathy for this opportunity, I LOVE this challenge and love being part of the Team!  God bless you girls!!

Thank you for looking and for your encouragement, you are all so very kind, you both inspire and motivate me, I love to see that you have been and taken the time to comment - you make my day brighter!!  Happy Easter to you all!  God bless you!


  1. Hi Linda - I do love your card and the reasons behind why you have chosen the fruit.

    Beautiful card, and wonderful ruminations on our faith.


  2. A truly beautiful card Linda and HUGE Congrats for your new DT Role!!!! :)

  3. Oh my dear sister, this was divinely inspired!!! Your words and thoughts on what was accomplished on that cross are so precious and well said! You not only are gifted with artisitic talent my friend, but also gifted with words that say just the right thing! I'm so honored to be working along side you my dear sister! Your card is gorgeous!!!!

    Have a blessed Easter.... even with the difficult things going on right now... it is the very resurrection we celebrate that gives us that knowledge that death was swallowed up in victory, and we know the Victor! Easter blessings!!!

  4. Congratulations sweetie, how wonderful!
    Your cards are just lovely, I can see why they chose you.

  5. Hello again, Linda! I am so blessed to be able to read your messages. You write so well, I truly get chills when you share the Lord with me. I hope, and I'm pretty sure, you are aware of how important your words have been in restoring my faith. Hugs, again, Lori

  6. Linda! I know it's been awhile (too long) since I've visited, but I really wanted to wish you a Blessed Easter and also congratulate you on the SSC DT! I was so thrilled to see your name there. You are such an inspiration in both your crafting talents and your faith. Case in point: this majestic card! It is truly gorgeous and illustrates, as you explained so well, the true meaning of Easter.

  7. Beautiful Linda! Love your analogy ... well said, and your card is gorgeous. I'm so honored that you accepted the DT position and am thrilled to work along side you, once again! *Ü* You inspire me so much. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday tomorrow. Hugs!!

  8. I love this post! Dood friday I watched the first half (4Hrs) of Jesus od Nazareth today to remind me of this important week end I will watch the other 4 hrs on Sunday. your so right about everything being able to be bought but the love of Christ and his Atoning sacrifice is free if we but repentand follow him I love the Lord and his Son Jesus Christ.

    I am so happy for you and your new possition on the SSIC DT you well deserving good luck and I lucj fwd to seeing yr projects hun

    Love Dawn xx

  9. Whoooo HOOOO! I am so proud of you! I will be looking for your challenges and inspiration!

    Happy Happy EASTER!

  10. W-O-W Lovely Linda - what a fabulous card! I love that yellow! Congrats on getting on the DT - thoroughly well deserved!

    I haven't been around much recently - sooo much work! Don't you hate it when it gets in the way?!! But am hoping to do a lot of crafting this weekend!

    *Speak* soon! xxx


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