
Friday, April 23, 2010

LOC Welcomes Grace

There is great excitement over at  Layers of Color today as we announce our newest Designer, Grace Nywening!!

Grace is the most amazing artist and I love her elegant style.  I am doubly excited as I have the privilege of having known Grace as a friend long before working with her...Grace and I are Twisted Sisters (wahoo!)and are fellow designers on the Stampin' Sisters for Christ challenge and share our faith - what a blessing she is!

You can see Grace's gorgeous creations over at Layers of Color  in her new gallery, while you are there you can also check out the other Designers albums - be prepared to be inspired!

Thanks you for visiting today and make sure you leave Grace some 'LOVE' - you are so good at that!  I will be back a bit later with a card that I have created today for a special occassion!  See you then!  God bless you!

I wanted to thank Carrie of Carries Creative Cards  - I won her Blog Candy and received it the other day - I have been meaning to post about it ever since I got it - and I knew Grace wouldn't ming sharing the 'limelight' with this YUMBLY stuff!!

 - it is gorgeous - thanks Carrie I can't wait to use it. that image is adorable and I am enjoying a touch of 'whimsey!'  Carrie, you were so quick to get it to me - thanks!!  If you want to see some adorable cards, make sure you pay Carrie a visit !!!  I might see you there!
See you soon!


  1. Yea, Grace! Your pink goodies should be fun to play with!

  2. Welcome, welcome, Grace!! We are so honored to have one more talented Godly woman on our team!

    You are all such a blessing to me!

    With love and hugs!

  3. Thank you all for such a warm welcome!!! I'm excited!!! Blessings and hugs!

  4. How exciting for Grace..I will have to swing by her blog and Congratulate her :) And Congratulations on your fun win.

  5. OH WOW!!! YOU ARE GONNA LOVE GRACE Over here! SHE IS incredibly AMAZING with her artwork and SUCH A SWEETHEART with an uplifting soul! CONGRATS to you all! :)

  6. AAAACK... I totally missed the boat on posting this to my own blog!! Oh phoey, I'm such a bad friend/DT member. I will get that posted first thing in the morning and try to make up for it.

    I'm so thrilled to have Grace joining us at LOC! What an extrelely gifted crafter and beautifully godly woman she is. She will definately be a sweet asset to the team/family! *Ü*


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