
Sunday, May 16, 2010

SSIC LOC Let Heaven & Nature Sing

Hello, it is great to see you!!  I love catching up with you an you know what time it is -  it is time for this week's Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge and this challenge is brought to us by my very dear friend and Design Team Sister - Grace Nywening.

Grace has chosen the scripture "O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation, Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God..."  Ps, 95:1-3a

Grace has challenged us to make a card or project that depicts music or joyful praise.  Well, you know that I had to reach for my Layers of Color Joyful Noise art stamp set....I love this set and so do many of you - it is one of the most popular Layers of Colour sets - and I am going to show you why!

I embossed the beautiful flourish onto an old hymnal sheet, using bronze embossing powder....stamping it in opposite corners, instantly becoming a frame.  to this I added flowers in different shapes and a gorgeous sparrow from the Layers of Color art stamp set Backyard Birds.  I also stamped a butterfly from the Butterfly Collector set and punched it out using an EK punch.

I love the scripture Grace has chosen - make a joyful noise - now, that can conjure up all sorts of images - not all of them pretty.  My beautiful Nana was convinced eveveryone could sing - and in one sense she is right - everyone can sing BUT what she didn't realise was that not everyone's voice had a smooth passage out! LOL!

Make a joyful noise - I am encouraged to read that God inhabits the praises of His people - what a concept is that, as we praise Him, He lives within/dwells in those praises - what more motivation do we need.  There are so many references to praise in the God's word, as soon as we hear the word, we would all think of different facets of Praise.  King David, the Chief Musician, encouraged us to sing a new song to the Lord, this tells me that I need to come with fresh praises each time I come, not just list off  repetitions that some from the head and not the heart, but my praise is to be heartfelt.  Being quite honest, there are times when it is hard to 'sing a new' song - well all know that we should be doing it, but our life circumstances at that moment can be weighing us down - but in actual fact nowhere does the Word of God tell us that we make a 'joyful noise; when we feel like it - infact the Word of God is very clear that we praise HIM 'in and out of season.'  Regardless of how we feel - God is worthy to be praised - and isn't that the truth!!

I have an exciting thought to leave you with - something that will just make your 'heart sing'  - God rejoices over us with singing:

 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. Zep 3:17

God sings - imagine hearing that - we will one day you know...I do wonder what my response will be when I hear his amazing song - will I be overwhelmed with awe and find myself 'on my face' at his feet or will my heart spontaneously join in His song - I guess I will have to wait to find out but in the meantime I do pray that the song in my heart will be  a 'sweet sound' in His ear!

Thank you to our sponsor for this week

Make sure you pop over and see the other DT's creations, you know there is plenty of inspiration from these talented girls:

*Lisa * Kristine * Kathy * Chris * Candace * Grace * PeggySue * Randi * Miejse*

You can see more of my Faith Art Cards in my Layers of Color Gallery, while you are there make sure you check out the other Design Team galleries there is so much inspiration waiting to be discovered!

Thank you for stopping my today and for the lovely comments you leave for me, you are always so encouraging - you make my day!  God bless you!


  1. What a beautiful card Linda and wonderful job with the challenge!!! I had to laugh, when I was growing up Dad used to say "The bible says to make a joyful didn't say you had to be in tune!" He was never in tune!!! LOL!!!!

  2. Linda I just love coming to visit you!!! Not only are your cards uplifting and beautifully inspiring, but your words always give God all the glory and just touch my heart!!! Thank you for your wonderful take on my challenge this week! We were on the same wavelength with the set we chose! I love your copper embossing! Yummy! Every detail is perfect my friend! Have a blessed week!!!

  3. Wonderful card, love the distressing. Anesha

  4. What an awsome card Linda. I love the colors and the beautiful flowers and bird. Have a super week ahead:)

  5. This is a fabulous card! I think I could pick your beautiful artwork out anywhere, you rock sister!!! The copper embossing is gorgeous and that hymnal has certainly had a useful second life, hasn't it. Have a great week, Linda!
    Hugs, Lori

  6. Beautiful!

    All I can say is:


  7. Stunning card Linda, I keep seeing something new.

    Hugs Ali x

  8. That is a great card! I love the background, the flowers and the cute bird!

  9. this is really beautiful hun so love the background on this and those flowers,are just the perfect touch love hugs cheryl xxxx

  10. Love your interpretation of the theme - it is inspiring. I must admit after seeing Grace's devotion and card that I was leaning towards using some music on my card too..... time will tell!!

    Once again you have produced an excellent piece of work my friend.

  11. Beautiful card Linda!!! The music BG and the flowers are so pretty!!! Great take on the challenge!!! Hugs ~S~

  12. Hi LInda!! Sorry I did not comment on your card earlier...I just got home from VA. I am exhausted since we traveled all night and I stayed awake to keep my hubby awake too....

    Anywho...this is stunning. Love the musical note background, the flowers and the colors. Gorgeous design and take on the challenge my friend.
    hugs and blessings,

  13. This is beautiful, Linda, and so inspiring in your artistic poetry. I really love the verse you shared from Zephaniah. In our church we sing a song centered around the verse..."Amazed."
    You captured the meaning of this verse in a way that I had not thought about hearing your insight.


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