
Thursday, September 30, 2010

LOC A Little Help Please...LOL!!

I am going to  say a 'B' word - are you ready for it - some of you are going to be shocked, some horrified and others will laugh - okay...put on your seat belt cause here I go....BRAYERING!!!  I tried it the other day and the result is terrible!!  My sincerest apologies to Michelle Zindorf and my friend Ann, who tried to show me the technique!  LOL!

I decided to use the result as if you didn't know it was brayering you wouldn't be laughing at it....but honestly - what happened!! LOL!  The half circle is the result of doing something we all know NOT to do - drinking a coffee while crafting  maybe I should call this card 'Bad Moon Rising' or something to incorporate it and make it look deliberate!!
The rest of the card I am happy with, especially this gorgeous reindeer from Layers of Color, using the Reindeer Waltz Clear Art Stamps, I have embossed it in black - don't you just love all of the detail!!

The embossing folder has had a Distressing Ink pad swiped over it and I love this effect!  A little bit of ribbon, bling and some inked tearing and you have one quick Christmas card - but oh the brayering.....LOL!

This card is for the following Challenges:
One Stitch at a Time - Anything Goes
Incy Wincy Designs - Anything Goes
Make It Crafty - Anything Goes
Stamp Insanity - Show 'em Whose Emboss
Scrap and Stamp - Embossing
Delightful Sketches - Make It Sparkle
Stamp It Crazy - Free for All
Charisma Cardz - Anythng Goes
Ai Factory Challenges - Anything Goes

You can see more of my projects in my Layers of Color Gallery, while you are there make sure you check out the other Design Team galleries there is so much inspiration waiting to be discovered.  You are invited to join us on our SNR Group where there is lots of fun and chatter (No surprises there I know! LOL)  There are also discounts and previews that are exclusive for the Group Members - come and join us!!

Thank you for taking the time to visit with me today, I love know you have been and appreciate the comments and encouragement you leave me - it makes my day!  God bless you!


  1. Lovely card - like the pearls and the embossing folder you used is perfect! Thanks for joining us at StampInsanity!

  2. great card! I love the brayer technique! thanks for playing this week at AIF
    -Tammy DT Lead

  3. Fun new technique! I've not tried brayering, so brave of you. Keep it up, you are SO talented, I'm sure it will blossom! I love your style, the joyous and feminine qualities of this card! Fabulous, Linda!


  4. Hi Linda - yes, you and I should have a few practice sessions together - I can see we would have a ball and lots of laughs and maybe our brayers might decide to be co-operative.... Thanks for sharing your card - it is delightfully whimsical.

  5. Brayering and I have a love/hate relationship, but your first try is much BETTER than mine. think your card is beautiful. And yes that LOC reindeer is stunning. Hugs!

  6. See what happens when you drink coffee? LOL! I think it still looks fab, Linda! I {heart} brayering! Maybe I need to make another brayer card here very soon!


  7. Awww Lovely Linda, your card are well... LOVELY.
    Fantastic card. Thanks for playing at StampitCrazy, and OSAAT. Hugs, Nataliya.

  8. We sure can get some interesting effects spilling coffee, huh?!

  9. That background is fabulous! Gorgeous card.

    Thanks for joining us at One Stitch at a Time this week.

  10. I haven't tried brayering myself, so I think you're pretty brave, Love that you have included the coffee ring - that's the sort of thing that happens to me!! Thanks for joining our anything goes challenge at OSAAT this week and good luck, love Jacky x

  11. You are so funny! This is gorgeous!! :)) Thank you so much for sharing with us at StampInsanity!!

  12. Awww this is really nice, I love your embossed reindeer, he looks lovely.. I've never tried brayering... doesn't look easy from what you are saying he he xx Thank you for joining us at OSAAT this week and good luck xx

  13. This is a great start Linda (better than my first effort) so keep practicing that light touch we talked about. I love what you've done with your first brayering effort. This card is beautiful and so "you". The inked embossing folder background looks fabbo with the brayering and sponging. Oh dear I feel another card coming on! Hugs!

  14. I think this looks great, thanks for joining in this weeks Incy Wincy Challenge.
    Hugs Shelleyxx

  15. You are making me giggle girl!!! Your braying is just fine Linda. I'm not sure what your talking about. Ok there is that little coffee ring. But you could cover that up with a little sentiment. I LOVE the distressed background Linda!! Wonderful winter card chick!

  16. Really gorgeous !!! I love the embossed background.
    Thanks for playing with us at Make It Crafty.
    Mag :)

  17. lol I love how you still went with the flow Linda. I am terrible at brayering too! hint: stop into our next technique challenge next week. :)
    Have to say what caught my eye was the embossed background! It looks so deep! Thanks for joining the fun at Make it Crafty. Hugs xxoo


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