
Sunday, September 26, 2010

SSIC LOC Cherished Peace

This week Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge is brought to us by our very own Miesje.

The scripture Miesje has chosen for this week is

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."  John 14:27

Use a Christian symbol of peace somewhere in your card. There are many! Or a card or project that shows or shares Peace.

I have made another Side Stair/Step card - can anyone give me the right name for this and I will change it here!  I do love this style of card, it makes them so interesting!!

I used the Layers of Colour Merci Bouquet Clear Art Stamps  for two panels on this.  they have been coloured with SU Chalks

The sentiment is from a SU Set called Lexicon of Love - this is such a great set (thanks Ann!)  I love being able to use two colours with it!

For this panel I have used the Layers of Color Merci Bouquet and Her Majesty's Urns Clear Art Stamps, they have also been coloured with SU Chalks
When I think of peace, I immediately think of the garden - I love to wander through it and immediately the beauty of the Creator and His creation brings peace to my heart!  Peace is something that we all long for at one time or another in our lives - it would be wonderful to always have it, but life can bring us circumstances that can cause our peace to 'fly out of the window!!

The peace of God is not dependant on circumstances, infact it can be ours even in the most tumultuous times...when those around us are folding under the pressure of life, we can have the assurance of the peace that passes understanding!'

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Php 4:7

This card is for the following challenges:
Alphabet Challenge - V for Vintage
Creative Card Crew - Autumn or Fall
ABC Challenge - D is for Distressing
A Spoon Full of Sugar - Anything Goes
Pollycraft Challenge - Autumn Colours 
Flourishes Bringing Back the Beauty - Rystic Colours
4 Crafty Chicks - Fall There
Everybody Art Challenge - Autumn
and lastly but in no way least
 Moxie Movies Tuesday Trigger - to be inspired by this afghan

For more inspiration make sure you visit each of the Design Team:

You can see more of my projects in my Layers of Color Gallery, while you are there make sure you check out the other Design Team galleries there is so much inspiration waiting to be discovered.  You are invited to join us on our SNR Group where there is lots of fun and chatter (No surprises there I know! LOL)  There are also discounts and previews that are exclusive for the Group Members - come and join us!!

Thank you for your comments and all of the encouragement you leave me here, it is appreciated!!!  I love seeing that you have visited - it makes my day!  God bless you!


  1. WOW Linda!!! GORGEOUS!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Linda this is gorgeous! I think it's my fave of yours! Love this gorgeous set and the side step card is perfect for it! Thanks for your wonderful words today! Have a blessed week!

  3. Beautiful card Lisa, lovely design and lovely colors.

  4. Wow what a masterpiece. I love all the details. You have some awesome sponging skills.. They always make a card complete.. Hope all is well with you..hugs.

  5. Oh my gosh! I have no idea what that kind of card is called but I love it! I always love reading your words! Have a peace filled week!

  6. Gorgeous idea and card Linda!!! Perfect take on the challenge!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Hugs ~S~

  7. The card is beautiful Linda. I always thought it was called side step, but now you've got me wondering and I'm going to have to do some searching.!! If it wasn't so late I'd duck down stairs and start another one. You are very inspiring.

  8. Beautiful card - lovely image & colours. Thanks for joining the Alphabet Challenge x

  9. Your words are so encouraging and true Linda!! Beautiful take on the verse and challenge. Love your image and coloring. Flowers and the garden give me peace as well. Hope you feel God's peace in the coming week!

  10. Another beautiful card - i do lov the way you have accented the main panel flower by using the circular mat - it just seems to jump out!1
    Blessings and Peace

  11. Beautiful beautiful card, Linda! And beautiful words, too. It's when life is tumultuous that it's most important to cling to God's promises so that we can know that peace.


  12. Oh my goodness, Linda - this is beautiful! I love these step cards. You have done a fabulous job! I, too, find great peace in the garden. After a rough day, I find it soothing to play in the dirt. Thanks for sharing this lovely card with us!

  13. I LOVE that verse from Phillipians, it is one of my favorites, I almost quoted it too, but its good that you did, each blog brings a fresh and different perspective to the hostess' selected verse, what a blessing! As is your card, a blessing for the eyes, a pleasure to see.

  14. Your card is stunning! I love how you worked the fall colors in with your images. The sentiment is just perfect and your style is awesome. THanks so much for sharing your inspiration with us at 4 Crafty Chicks.

  15. Beautiful, Linda! Love this style.

  16. Linda, this is gorgeous...a creative use for the sentiment paired with the lovely made a beautiful card here depicting peace.

  17. Another gorgeous card! Thanks for taking part in the Alphabet Challenge again xx

  18. Beautiful, Linda! Thanks for playing with us at 4 Crafty Chicks!

  19. What an awesome card...LOVE all the detail...

    TFS...keep scrappin', keep sharin'

    Sweet Scrappy Hugs,

    Honey B

  20. Amen Linda! I love this card. Do you know where a tutorial is?? I would love to make one using this template.

  21. Amen Linda! I love this card. Do you know where a tutorial is?? I would love to make one using this template.

  22. Hey Linda! What a pretty approach to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! Thanks so much for playing along! :)


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