
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wahoo! Steph's Sweet Stuff came to My House!!

I love the Postman and I think he is skeered of me ( LOL!)  when I know that I have some Candy coming, I am there to meet him at the door - today was no exception and this is what he brought me!

The biggest and yummiest Candy from Steph Devlin from the Shabby Chic Room!!

Those of you who Scrapbook would have to know Steph's work - from The Color Room to Websters Pages - there is inspiration to be found on her Blog! 

Thank you Steph for such a gorgeous Candy - I hope I do you proud with the layouts I am going to create!!


  1. Oh, my goodness, Linda!!! That Candy looks super yummy!!!! Lucky you!!! :) I'm sure you will create wonderful things with it!

  2. Mmm...Yummy indeed!! I'm so jealous (in a good Congrats and have fun!!!

  3. Ohh - can I come and visit and craft with you??
    what a wonderful blessing!


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