
Friday, December 31, 2010

Award Time

I have received this wonderful Award from three different friends and have been slow to post it - I so apologise for that to these wonderful ladies.

  The first one is Jóna,  the second being my friend Charlene and I received it again yesterday from my dear friend Maxine - thank you ladies, I know they would love a visit from you too - these ladies are inspiring!

By accepting this Award I have to do the following:
1). Thank and link back to the person who awarded me
2). Share 8 things about myself
3). Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that I have recently discovered
4). Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

8 things about my self:

1).I am past 'addiction' with my papercarft - it is an obsession and I am NOT looking for a cure!
2).I was born in Wellington, New Zealand and am still a New Zealand citizen
3).I love coffee - it has to be percolated!
4).I have a fabulous husband and three great kids, well teenagers!!
5).I love birds - their sound is music to my ears!
6).I have been card making for nearly 3 years now
7). I am claustrophobic!
8 ).I am a Christian and love combining my passion for God and paper
 - Faith Art is my favourite creative genre!

8 people to pass this into....

Why don't you get yourself a coffee or a cold drink and make yourself comfortable while you pay these ladies a visit - they are UBER inspiring and you are going to LOVE IT!

I will be back later today (for me) with a Layers of Color post - my final for 2010, but I have PLENTY to show you in 2011.  Layers of Color has an amazing New Release happening, showing off new stamps sets from our new illustrator - you will have to keep watching this space for some SNEAK PEEKS that will be coming soon.

The Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge has announced it's New Design Team for 2011 along with the Priscilla Styles Design Team - there is plenty happening in 2011 with these ladies as well - always something new and exciting from Priscilla and her Teams

The Stampin' Sister in Christ Challenge will be back January 9 with another year of inspiration and fellowship....

Along with this I have been asked to teach Card Design at the local Art Centre - starting with one class per week and building up from there as the numbers grow and have just been asked to teach a Card Class at our local Craft Shop, which is exciting for me - so I am going to have plenty to show you in 2011!

Thank you all for your friendship and visits in 2010 - I have loved getting to know you and appreciate your support - I want to wish you all a .....

.....very happy New Year
God bless you


  1. So glad you received it more than once - yours is a fabulous blog - and I love the new design :-)

  2. Hi Linda, just popping by to say hi and wish you a very happy and blessed New Year! Can't wait to see your 2011 creations!


  3. Hi Linda! How special to be honored twice with this lovely award! I will pick it up as soon as I can post it! :) You have certainly been a blessing in my life since you first made your entrance and I'm so glad we're sisters in Christ and will one day be able to meet face to face!!! Love your new blog background too... it's totally YOU! Thanks for all the inspiration you give to me my friend! Happy New Year!!!

  4. Thanks for the award, Linda. I loved reading about you. I think I can relate to some of these facts, esp the first one :-).

  5. Hello sweet friend. I am honored that you would choose me for this blog award. And I bet that garden of yours attracts alot of birds and butterflies. I'm still stuck with that same mocking bird that chased off all the other birds when I put up the feeder outside my craft room window. My daughter named him Peepers on her last visit. Have a blessed day!

  6. So very sweet of you Linda!! Thank you for the award and how fun to read these interesting facts about you...


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