
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Housework Makes You Ugly Darling....

Don't you just love this sentiment - it never fails to make me smile and is all the excuse I need some days! LOL!
I could not resist combining it with the Spellbinders Spiders Web Shapeabilities....these Dies are cut using the  Grand Calibur® Machine
The spider is fabulous and coloured so well with the Elmer Painters - I love these Opaque Markers and will be using them again for sure.
What can I say about this gal - except 'I know how she feels some days' LOL!  I hope her coffee is strong - and don't you love those shoes!! Divine!
The sentiment is hand written!  Would it surprise you to know that this card is one of my best selling humorous cards - I guess we can all relate at some level!
This card is for the following challenges:
Anything Goes Challenge - Anything Goes at Anything Goes
Clear It Out! - Anything Goes Stash Item- Red
LEJ Designs Use Die Cuts Or Punches
Loves Rubber Stamps - Anything Goes
Papelitos Stamps - Anything Goes  
Papertake Weekly - Anything Goes
Through The Craft Room Door - Always Anything Goes!
Fashionista Challenge - Anything Goes 
Make it Monday - always Anything Goes
Thank you for your comments and all of the support you give me - you make blogging such an amazing place to be!! Your encouragement is such a blessing for me - it makes my day! God bless you!


  1. Oh yes Linda - I know the feeling, and I love his card - makes me smile every time I see it.

  2. I love that sentiment! I wish it were true - seriously! Wow is this ever fun! Love the dies too! Fun, fun, fun Linda! Hugz!

  3. Fabulous! Love your web!!! Thank you so much for joining us at Make it Monday! Don't forget to leave a comment for another entry and mention you saw them on MIM...the more comments left, the greater your chances of winning! Good luck,
    Rene ;D

  4. lol love your sentiment! My old craft teacher used to tell me that all the time! By the way, I floated over from Make It Monday :) P.S. I have Santa’s Candy on my blog !

  5. Thanks for joining us at Clear It Out Tuesday and what a great take on our challenge...hope you join us again...tfs

  6. Love the touch of red on the matting and the spider! Very cute! Thanks for joining us for the Clear It Out Challenge!
    visit my blog @ sandy's crafty creations

  7. Fantastic card and sentiment Linda. I saw this on MIM..Loz

  8. Wonderful card, Linda! Love the image with her sparkly dress and red shoes! Great design, die cuts, & sentiment! Thank you for sharing this with us at Lady Anne's! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  9. Love this fabulous card- and stopping by to say hello. I usually see your work on FB...! I guess I should never do housework again then...hehehehe Love the sentiment. Fantastic card. Saw you on MIM- my post is # 116

  10. and that is totally why I do not do very much housework...I'm sticking to it, lol. Love this adorable image and the sentiment is fabulous. Thanks for playing with us over at Loves Rubberstamps!!!

  11. LOL! It IS a fantastic sentiment and I will be using it in the future as well. Thank you for sharing this with us at Clear It Out Challenges.

    I invite you to join me at the ANYTHING GOES challenge here:

    Lots of joy,

  12. Linda, I already commented on your card for another DT, but wanted to reiterate that it is a really great card! So glad you wanted to share it with us at TTCRD, too--thank you! Hope to see you again next week! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  13. So funny - I love the sentiment!! Great job! Thanks for playing with us at Loves Rubberstamps!!

  14. Great card so funny and the sentiment make me giggle too. thanks for joining ust at Clear it Out for the red stash challenge

  15. Love it!!! What a beautiful card and I love that sentiment! LOL
    Thanks so much for joining us at Clear It Out challenges. We hope to see you again.
    Huggies & Smiles ~

  16. Lovely creation!
    Thanks for joining us at Cards by Lady Anne.

  17. LOL! This is awesome! I should be a super model then because I hate housework - LOL! Thanks for joining us at Loves Rubberstamps this week!

  18. YOur red spider is awesome, thank you for sharing and playing with us at Clear It Out Challenge Blog.

  19. What a great card and sentiment. Love your spider with a touch of red. Thanks for joining us at the Clear It Out Challenge Blog.

  20. This is a great card and sentiment! I love the spider with it's touch of red. Thanks for joining us at the Clear It Out Challenge Blog this week.


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