
Monday, June 18, 2018

Little Birdie Crafts - Today is Extraordinary Layout

Hello friends - thank you for stopping by. I am very excited to share a layout  on the Little Birdie Crafts Blog. I have used so many beautiful products from Little Birdie Crafts.  Scrapbooking is a way of being the Memory Keeper for your family and is something I love to do – each layout has a story and so many wonderful memories.  If you are anything like me you do not appear in too many of your own layouts – but there are some moments /stories that have to be told – and this Extraordinary day is one of them for me.  

                                  You are able to see a step by step tutorial on the HERE.

Thank you for your comments and all of the support you give me - you make blogging such an amazing place to be!! Your encouragement is such a blessing for me - it makes my day! God bless you!

{{{hugs}}} and happy crafting

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