
Sunday, November 18, 2012

CFC11 Inspirational

Two weeks goes by very quickly, especially when we are waiting for the next Crafty Friends Challenges.  This fortnight is hosted by the very talented Nina of NinaB Designs.

Nina has given us an inspiration challenge - don't you love those gorgeous warm colours.

I have used Spellbinders Sweet Folk Art Shapeabilities® designed by Nina Brackett of NinaB Designs.
For the top of the stocking I cut a small rectangle and added white Flower Soft
The stockings are layered onto gold card  cut using the Resplendent Rectangles Nestabilities® .  The Filigree Die is from the Frosty Forms Shapeabilities.  All of the Dies have been cut using the Spellbinders Grand Calibur® Machine.
The pearls are from Want2Scrap.
This card is for the following challenges:
Paper Crafting Journey - Anything goes
Happy Campers - Use bright colours
Southern Girls - Christmas projects 
Whimsy Inspiration - Traditional Christmas colors 
We would love you to join in with our challenge, pop over and check out the Design Team - you are sure to be inspired at every stop!

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment, I read each one and appreciate your support and encouragement! I do look forward to seeing you play along with this Bi-weekly challenge - there is so much fun ahead and you are going to want to be part of it!



  1. Haven't used the stocking die in my set yet, but you've given me an idea for a card. Love the top and will have to find out where to get the Flower Soft from. Great card as always.

  2. Haven't used the stocking die in my set yet, but you've given me an idea for a card. Love the top and will have to find out where to get the Flower Soft from. Great card as always.

  3. GORGEOUS card, Linda. But the Crafty Friends challenge doesn't run until the 18th! Yikes! Love how you used Flower soft on top.

  4. Wonderful, Linda - love the bright colours and the clean lines of this. Great use of the flower soft.


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