Grace just gave me this sweet award and I am honored to accept it. Thank you Grace! Please check out Grace's blog for some real inspirational! Here are the rules for this award:
1 By accepting this award you acknowledge that the giver LIKES YOUR STYLE
2 You agree to post this proudly on your site and include a post linking back to the giver
3 And because there are so many blogs out there that you like their style you will share this award with them...however many that might be...
2 You agree to post this proudly on your site and include a post linking back to the giver
3 And because there are so many blogs out there that you like their style you will share this award with them...however many that might be...
Please check out these blogs when you have a chance:
I will add to this later, just wanted to get this up and these ones out!! It is very early Saturday morning here...my DD's have headed off to the snow with the Youth Group at 5:30am, just leaves me home with DH and DS...who is very quiet - it is going to be very strange around here....DD1 threw some things together last night at 10:30pm, DD packed 2 days ago with lists of all that both girls had to take, ticking it off as DD1 packed last night - she even packed 4 carrots for snowmans noses - which one do you think I am like!! LOL!! I hope you have a great weekend...enjoy your family!! My beautiful Nana had two things to tell me before she dies - one being 'Family is God's blessing on earth!' How true there is - so make sure you enjoy yours...if you don't have one - email me and join ours - there is always room for one more!!! God bless you!
Hi Linda!! Wow, I stopped by to say hello and see what you've been up to, and I see this great award!! Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Linda! You KNOW I love your style!!
Hi Linda, You're such a sweet heart to give this lovely award to me. Thank you so much!!