Faithful - don't you love the sound of that word. This week it is the Attribute of God that we are studying on the His Holy Name Challenge on SCS. I chose today to do my card as it is an important day for me - it is 34 years ago I gave my heart to the Lord - so it is my Spiritual Birthday....we celebrate BIG time in our house - this day has eternal value. My heart is overjoyed at the love I have received both from God and from friends who have become family to me...thank you to you all, you have done my heart good....I have had the most beautiful fellowship here and my heart, that at times grows weary, is refreshed and encouraged by each of you who have linked arms with me on this journey, held me up when I was si
ck and encouraged me when things seemed bleak, prayed for me and just loved me....thank God for each other...thank God for God who is our common ground, our Faithful One!

Faithful - I am so grateful that God is faithful and has been to be over the years, even in my unfaithfulness!! His love and mercy has always been there for me..and I am so grateful! Faithfulness is a quality that is rare these days whether it be in business, friendship or marriage...that is what makes this attribute even more valuable! I love this scripture and knew straight away that this DP would be perfect.....His faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. I have used the cross from Layers of Color set Gothic Crosses, as a focal point, as it is the work that was accomplished there that is the focal point of our faith....the wings are from the Beloved Wings set and the crown , from the Regal Wings set, rep
resents our KING!!

I feel that it is best to keep this card simple, with the message speaking loud and clear. Although this is a simpler card, it is one of my favourites - due to the message that it shares! I cannot think about God's faithfulness without remembering the testimony of my son who is featured on my Scrapbook page here.....I am happy to share this story if you want to PM me!
Thank you for looking and for your encouraging comments, I love knowing your have stopped by. It has been a lovely day here, spring is in the air....this is one of my favourite times of the year. I hope things are good where you are and your day is a good one, we are 'chilling out' after dinner... God bless you!!
Keeping it simple? Girl, are you kidding me? This card is STUNNING, did I say this card is STUNNING? Wow, absolutely breathtaking and I love that you could use it for both male and female. If I got this card I would totally frame it!!! Such a gorgeous card my friend. I am still drooling ;P. Hugs, Sabrina
ReplyDeleteOh Linda... my jaw is on the floor, not only because of the simply stated beauty of this card but also your words which so blessed me today! Happy Spiritual Birthday my sister!!! How great is His Love and Faithfulness for us, even when we are unfaithful to Him! There is a song out now based on this glorious verse and now I will be singing it all day long... can't think of the singers name right now but I love it! Your card is wonderful and I'm sure God will bless many through it's presentation here! God bless!
ReplyDeleteA very uplifting and beautiful card, Linda, with a wonderful message too!
ReplyDeleteLinda this is absolutely stunning and your words about faith are just as beautiful..Happy Spiritual Birthday!
P.S. I just realized I don't seem to get updates when you post...not sure why...All this time I just thought you were on a summer holiday.
Linda what an awesome posting I have enjoyed reading it so much you put feelings down in writing so much better than me but I am there with you sharing the love of the Lord. Your card may be simple but it is pure beauty and I love it.
Lorraine x
Wow Linda this is fabulous. I love the verse you chose. I think that you are a true inspiration to all of US. You are a true and beautiful person. Inside and out. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHello my beautiful friend - have I told you that this is a stunning piece of work!! You continue to amaze me everytime you post!!
ReplyDeleteBlessings sista
How regal, Linda! Lovely!!